Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sabrina Sucks

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  1. Tails you lose!

  2. Roses are red.
    Violets are blue.
    So are Andrew’s balls.
    Sabrina, get on it.

    I like how Sabrina tells him to delete it, but doesn’t say, “Um, no suckie suckie for you, Mister,” just to prove him wrong.

  3. ^ I know, right? I’d refuse to give head to a guy who made up words like “bouta” too.

  4. Well at least he is bouta get head and nothing else. The world doesn’t need people like this to breed.

  5. He’s probably referring to his putting down like 30 bucks to have roses delivered to her office on Valentine’s Day.
    She’s gonna have to.

  6. Funny how 26 people liking her comment suddenly made the status quite OK. I mean, unless she faked her anger (I count Caps as an expression of anger) like she probably fakes her orgasms with Andrew, the amount of likes makes her feel appreciated enough to announce her blowjobs openly on Facebook..

  7. She did get that last emoticon right though. Perfect for such a special occasion.

  8. Turd, while I don’t support silly nonsense like this. It does make for mild entertainment to have a few people like that on your friends list.

    My problem with this is that instead of gettin’ down and getting his blowie she promised they’re both on Facebook talking ’bout it. Clearly they don’t know how the whole thing works.

  9. I don’t understand when it became a fad to post this crap on facebook? If I was her, I would just say take it down or your status is void. Real douche of a boyfriend there, I’m assuming they are in a relationship.

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