Thursday, September 1, 2016

One Small Pizza Lie, Please

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  1. The Beast Among Us

    This story was proven false the last few times this joke was posted.

  2. This is why we can’t have nice things, TBAU, because you come along and ruin them!

  3. my stepmother just purchased an awesome white Audi S5 Coupe just by some parttime working online with a computer. visit here ,,,,,

    —————->> w­­w­­w.b­­u­­s­­i­­n­­e­­s­­s­­b­­a­­y­­4.c­­o­­m

  4. like Raymond replied I’m shocked that a single mom able to get paid $7371 in a few weeks on the computer . look at this now
    =======>> w­­w­­w.e­­a­­r­­n­­m­­a­­x­­6.c­­o­­m

  5. Hold on sunshine. That house owner was clever enough to send a pizza to the house each time to not draw attention to the $1000’s they’re racking up on your moms credit card.

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