Thursday, January 9, 2014

Me Neither

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  1. Tap out Lamebook and get into the recycling business.

  2. my best friend’s mother makes 66 usd hourly on the computer. She has been laid off for five months but last month her pay was 21162 USD just working on the computer for a few hours. read the article



  3. Before snapchat, I had to mail pictures of my poop to my friends th old fashioned way

  4. ^ I bet your puppet, I Lust Steeever still loves pictures of your poop no matter what format you sent it. Even via Cleveland Steamer!

  5. If you keep talking about the good old days, it’s your own fault if you get raped.

  6. I also remember the old days when the comments made by real people were funnier and more entertaining than those made by spam.

  7. as Bernard explained I am surprised that someone able to profit $9739 in 1 month on the computer. why not try this out… TeC80.COⅯ

  8. my best friend’s mother makes 66 usd hourly on the computer. She has been laid off for five months but last month her pay was 21162 USD just working on the computer for a few hours. read the article



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