Friday, October 7, 2011

Doggon’ Winnin

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  2. Now that’s funny! (Even if the response from the stranger is anticlimactic)

  3. Only in Austin. Those people who hung the picture of that dog were probably stoned.

  4. Amazing.

  5. I think you got had. There was literally 2 and a half hours between sending the picture and framing it. And besides, who sends a picture to “myself” to have via text? If you have it on your phone, what will be accomplished by MMSing a picture you have on your phone it to your phone?

    Very suspicious.

  6. Who cares that’s awesome

  7. I’ve been lurking this site for a long time but I registered today just to say that this really made me laugh.

    And it’s not unusal to have it printed and framed within 2 hours. This person obviously had an open schedule and a good sense of humor.

  8. They could have printed themselves if they have a photo printer. I have one, it takes only seconds.

  9. “And besides, who sends a picture to “myself” to have via text? If you have it on your phone, what will be accomplished by MMSing a picture you have on your phone it to your phone?”

    If you have a phone that cannot be connected to a computer (feature phone) and want to print or save a picture, you have to email or mms the picture to a different phone or account in order to save it. Did this when switching from VM to ATT.

  10. comparethemeerkat

    Epic post. I don’t think it would have been anywhere near as good if it was anything else. That dog is legendary.

    Good work lamebook!! :-O

  11. It just seems like way too much effort. And this is from someone who received an accidental txt invite to a housewarming in another state and sent them a present.



  13. ^too bad you aren’t

  14. The first screen shot was pretty funny. The second one was funny, too. The actual framing of the picture of the dog was pretty funny, but I think he should have sent the close-up photo back instead of the whole mantle photo.

  15. That is a good picture

  16. if you are bens grandkids, you will get to hear his amazing story and see pictures of it, and hear the amazing story over and over. some day Grandpa Ben will die and they will sit there wondering, as they sell off or get rid of teh junk in his house “do i keep this casue it meant so much to him or just chuck it”

  17. upon rereading, his wife must be jessica, he was doing it for her,. to impress her, someone slap this guy, your married, impressing is done. (from what ive seen in marriage behaviour)

  18. Hahaha…man, this has sure gotten around. Don’t know if anyone would still be reading these comments.

    But I did do this within 3 hours (uploaded the picture to Walgreens and it was ready in 20 minutes). And Jessica is not my wife, Haley is. But still, very funny comments.

    Here’s the original source:

  19. still reading!!

  20. haha…haha…ha

  21. LOL!….I would love this story even more if they formed a friendship.

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