Monday, December 9, 2013

Oh MANdela! Part 2

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  1. STEEEEEEEEVERRRRRRRR will pick up where he left off

  2. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore…

  3. ^I don’t want to see that meme anymore

  4. The Beast Among Us

    “Jump in, Tata, you can ride with me.”

    That was actually pretty funny. The idiots made me laugh less than that picture.

    Oh, and R.I.P. Nelson Manila, the inventor of the Manila folder.

  5. If you keep voting Steeeever down, it’s your own fault if you get raped!

  6. James in the first post gets an A+

  7. my best friend’s aunt makes 80 dollar an hour on the computer. She has been out of a job for 6 months but last month her income was 14926 dollar just working on the computer for a few hours. look at these guys.. …….


  8. steeeever that son of a gun

    First again for Steeeever!!!!!! dead set legend

  9. ^ blow him !!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Nelson Mandela plots to blow up some shopping-centers and train stations, has his wife set fire to folk and he ends up universally loved with community centers, local parks and blocks of flats named after him.

    Meanwhile I’m still waiting for my Bin-Laden Center of Community Excellence suggestion to see the light of day….

  11. as John said I cant believe that a student can make $8741 in four weeks on the internet. hop over to this web-site,… F­­B­3­9­.­ℭ­O­­Ⅿ

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