Friday, October 10, 2014


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  1. The Beast Among Us

    I did. Seven times. While you were busy getting that tattoo from your “buddy”.

  2. … And either you keep shaving your leg or it’ll just look like you’ve got dirt under the hairs…
    come to think of it- go for “dirt under the hairs”.

  3. WTG buddy, the ladies will be lining up for some of that action.


  4. It’s a reminder note to himself in case he ever scores with a real live woman. Guessing this guy is used to sheep, chickens, and the occasional drunken buddy. He’s like Stvr, but more innocent.

  5. So, what are you going to cover that up with?

  6. Girls love it when your limbs are so scrawny that it’s hard to tell if the tat’s on your leg or your arm…

    Seriously, I still can’t tell what I’m looking at here.

  7. Alan, I prefer my men not obese. Muscular, average weight, skinny, chubby is fine. Speak for yourself. Enjoy your cows…

  8. That’s hot. Really, really hot.

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  10. That’s supposed to be leg? It’s obvious this person never scores, apparently he never eats either?

  11. When you think about it – this is so incredibly useful. I’d want to thank him. This way, there is no woman out there in the world that wouldn’t have been properly warned about what kind of idiot this one is.

  12. A.) His mom must be so proud B.) Is he paralyzed and in a wheelchair because it would explain the utter lack of muscle tone.

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