Tuesday, October 27, 2009

L.A.me ink



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  1. To this “@@@@@@@@@@@@@@” person: you have typed out the same long-winded, boring rubbish several times on different threads on this site. We all understand the points you are making and, believe it or not, we know that lamebook does not use the ‘@’ symbol to physically route the message anywhere (wow – really? Wow, kewwwl!! You so klevvvvvaaaaa!!!). We just don’t fucking care. It’s ONE symbol on the keyboard, the use (or misuse, in your opinion) of which is a convention on this site and does no harm to anyone. If you think it is akin to using pidgin English or having no grasp of grammar or spelling, you really are a lot more stupid than you know.

    @ everyone else: please, in the name of all things holy (or not, whatever) – let’s agree to completely ignore this halfwit from now on. Thank you.

  2. Comment #48 is the funniest thing on lamebook today.

  3. @46 – @@@@@@@@@@@, I love that you don’t even realise how idiotic you sound!
    Also, the more you bitch and moan about it, the more i WANT to do it JUST to annoy you. I’re I’m not the only one. I’m pretty sure that most people don’t think they are cool for using it. And definitely not as cool as you think you are for pointing it out. I’m also pretty sure they don’t think they are on Twitter either.
    Since it’s become a bit of a convention on forums and chat pages to use the @ symbol as shorthand for signalling who you’re talking to in a big discussion where everyone is talking to lots of people, I think we can survive!
    Get a life. MORON.

    @44 – Can I help you track @@@@@@@@@@@@@ down?

    @42 – It probably is possible, but I’d guess not advisable 😉

  4. @46 – @@@@@@@@@@@, I love that you don’t even realise how idiotic you sound!
    Also, the more you bitch and moan about it, the more i WANT to do it JUST to annoy you. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I’m pretty sure that most people don’t think they are cool for using it. And definitely not as cool as you think you are for pointing it out. I’m also pretty sure they don’t think they are on Twitter either.
    Since it’s become a bit of a convention on forums and chat pages to use the @ symbol as shorthand for signalling who you’re talking to in a big discussion where everyone is talking to lots of people, I think we can survive!
    Get a life. MORON.

    @44 – Can I help you track @@@@@@@@@@@@@ down?

    @42 – It probably is possible, but I’d guess not advisable 😉

  5. Gah – it said the first attempt failed *stomp*

  6. I can just about take people (hot girls) with a cute tattoo.
    People with a shit tattoo (and let’s face it, most of them are) are dickheads.
    People with several shit tattoos are complete fuckwits.
    @@@@@@@@@@ is just a cunt.

  7. I use @ to address people. It’s a handy marker even outside Twitter. I don’t see the problem. It’s not a major malfunction of language.

    It’s also possible that @@@@@@@@@@ is being contrary on purpose, in order to get negative responses, which will help him feel good about himself. I believe the young people refer to this sort of person as “a troll”.

  8. I think that if you can’t spell tattoo, you should not be allowed to get a tattoo. And if I ran a tattoo parlor, that would be a requirement.

    “Write the word ‘tattoo’ on this piece of paper.”
    “Wrong. Get out.”

  9. Ah but if they could all spell then we would no longer be able to enjoy body art spelling fails, and that would be a tradgey.

  10. Thinking: Stopping people from getting retarded tattoos since 10,000 BC.

  11. @ Zarggg
    I love you.

  12. lol @ @@@@@@@@@
    @@@@@@@@@ is a twat
    wot do u think of that, @@@@@@@@@?

  13. I think you should have “@” tattooed on your anus to guide your clients in.

  14. @60
    You are AWESOME.

  15. @@@@@@@@@@@@
    despite my contempt for you, I’ll give you that that was pretty funny.

  16. I am getting an @ tattoo tomorrow for sure!

  17. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ @ @ @ @
    @ @@@ @ @ @
    @ @ @@@@@@ @
    @@@@@@ @ @ @

  18. For @@@@@@@@@,

    the @ sign does do something though, if you type the person’s name. it links to their page.

  19. You speak of language as if it were a constant, and not an ever changing, mutating thing that is greatly influenced by the ways the masses communicate – and there is no greater mass communication than the interwebs. It’s highly possible that in five years time, all correspondence could be kicked off with @.

    Also? Stop making the retarded Naruto comments. You’re making anime fans look like assholes.

  20. Never get a couple tattoo.

    Play Pussy get fucked..nuff said.

  21. “New” tattoo implies she already has one or more… I wonder what the others are.

  22. Yeah Brittani, now you made her think!! *sigh*

  23. Tiffany SHOULD get that tattoed, so that she’ll forever be reminded of what a dumb whore she is.

  24. I can’t believe that so many of you give a toss about whether or not people use ‘@’.

  25. @ @@@@@@@ : U R A TW@

  26. nah, exilednzer, we just like winding up the one person who does give a toss 😉



  28. Play Pussy, Get Fucked: If you act like a little weakling, you will get screwed over in the end.

    “Hey pussy, come over here and fight like a man before I really fuck you up!”

    She’s actually kind of witty….

    oh wait….

  29. I like how his friends comments “made him think”

  30. @carrie: “his”?

  31. GreySkyedEyes wrote: “the @ sign does do something though, if you type the person’s name. it links to their page.”

    No it doesn’t. See? This is what I was talking about: Retards who don’t understand that Twitter is not the whole Internet.

    animaven wrote: “Also? Stop making the retarded Naruto comments. You’re making anime fans look like assholes.”

    Ah, I have offended a narutard. I bet you masturbate to a poster of Sasuke and append “-chan” to all your friends’ names, too.

  32. Actually, while it’s a recent thing, Facebook now does respond to the @ sign. At least it does in statuses (probably not comments). It links to their page, just like twitter. Although to be fair the “@” doesn’t show up anymore, it’s just ther person’s name as a link.

  33. Sarah wrote: “Actually, while it’s a recent thing, Facebook now does respond to the @ sign.”

    And here’s someone who doesn’t realize Lamebook is not part of Facebook.

  34. Because foot tattoos are so unique nowadays..

  35. Hahah, the @asshole doesn’t realize that he’s been beat. Over and over. He doesn’t realize when people are being sarcastic.

    Or, perhaps he does, but he’s too much of an asshole to admit it, or quietly step away.

  36. @@@@@@@@@
    Seriously, freaking get a life.
    I can imagine YOU, sitting at your computer, masturbating every time you type your unwanted opinion on the usage of @.
    Go and stroke yourself and your overinflated ego somewhere else.

  37. @ @@@@@@@@@,
    actually “@” has been part of internet patois since, well, forever. certainly before twitter was a twinkle in some coder’s eye. i believe it started in IRC but it’s probably older than that, and it didn’t “do” anything there either.

    it’s shorthand, and we are a lazy species. this is the internet, and it cannot be stopped.

    also: you’re a cunt.

  38. @gecks: “also: you’re a cunt.”

  39. I like turtles.

  40. I blame the names

  41. @ @@@@@@@@ This symbol still does mean the word, “at”, therefore can be used at such. “@” doesn’t just mean <Twitter/ link/ – believe it or not, it existed before Twitter! (I know – crazy that things existed before Twitter, right!?)

    And, just throwing this out there: The @ symbol is not specific to Twitter. This isn’t a Highlander thing…And if it is, then I’m game for the Lamebook team. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

  42. She’s totally getting it done in a basement by a drunk 40-year-old bachelor. I think most real tattoo artists would keep a straight face at her pre-appointment, listen to her idea…then the second she walks out that door, “Hey guys! Come check this out! She’s even dumber than that guy who punched his lady in the ribs, via romantic tattoo!”

  43. @ everyone. My apologies, I’m a retard. I’m going to masturbate and pick my boogers now. Have a fabulous evening!

  44. anyone else actually think brian and ash’s tattoo is cute? KEY TO MY HEART! k well it’s a bit lame(book).. but aww.

  45. It is pretty nice. At least it’s not just names that will be awkard to explain later on!

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