Friday, April 4, 2014

The stupid people have spoken!

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  1. The stupid people are all on lame book comments section being 2nd or lower!

  2. If you keep being this awesome Steeever, it’s your own fault if you get raped!

  3. The Beast Among Us

    ^ One cannot rape the willing.

    I wonder what it said BEFORE the status was edited.

  4. FOX cares about people’s safety? I don’t believe it. That sexist, over the top right wing “infotainment” pile of shit has an agenda to kiss rich/corporate ass and cut taxes and minimum wages to nil for da kine. Their stories are bogus, slanted, and generally without backing from any real expertise. It makes me want to throw up. So, if I make 20 grand a year, I pay 25-30%. If I were Mitt Romney, I’d pay less than 15% and have offshore accounts with nothing. FUCK

  5. Having lived in the KC area my entire life I can tell you that the complaints were probably legit. Fox 4 was probably spending 5 minutes pontificating about the possibility of a tornado and how tornadoes are formed, etc. For those of us that have spent our entire lives in Tornado Alley all we want is the little tornado warning box/map in the corner of the screen. The news stations here (Fox 4 included) still lose their sh** about thunderstorms as if we’re all doomed to die when one approaches so you can imagine how insane they get come tornado season.

  6. And assuming this was from last night…there were no tornadoes so apparently they were interrupting the show to talk about how there were no tornadoes yet. 🙂

  7. suzannedchamplin

    my co-worker’s aunt makes $70 hourly on the computer. She has been without a job for seven months but last month her paycheck was $19034 just working on the computer for a few hours. Read more on this web site ➨➨➨➨➨➨➨

  8. my co-worker’s sister-in-law makes $83 an hour on the internet .. She has been fired for nine months but last month her paycheck was $19782 just working on the internet for a few hours…..
    go to ths sit…………

    LINK HERE==========>>> WWW.WORK7.BIZ


  9. @creese5: Well, that does clear the story up a bit. I was about to give Fox credit for doing something good for once, but they lost it now :).

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