Friday, August 30, 2013

Ding Dong Gone Wrong

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  1. Carla J. Bridges

    my friend’s aunt makes $79/hour on the laptop. She has been out of a job for nine months but last month her paycheck was $12824 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read More Here… C­­A­­F­­E­­4­­­4.Ⅽ­­­O­­­Ⅿ

  2. Hmmm that trick was referred too as a much different name when I was younger. Oh what a long way we have come.

  3. He lost me at “somebody”.

  4. I suspect this is how about 80% of the To Catch A Predator stories start out.

  5. How did that guy get into the other dude’s lawn to sit?
    Kind of creepy.

  6. In other words, he got really drunk and hallucinated the whole thing.

  7. Who can resist playng the main character in a real life horror story? I’d love to get to know this guy since he clearly has an original way of thinking 😀

  8. Fake and stupid.

  9. This reminds me of the last time I made someone shit themselves.

    I pulled out too quickly.

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